Srinagar:Cancer is the second leading cause of deathglobally and was responsible for an estimated 9.6 million deaths in 2018,according to the World Health Organization (WHO). While science tries to findbetter treatments, the disease continues to affect millions each year. However,one more demon was rearing its head, slowly and steadily, and growing itstentacles below the radar-Cancer. Fast food, sedentary lifestyle, exposure tomobile radiation, soft drinks and smoking are considered to be one of the mostprimary reasons of cancer in Kashmir. In the UT of Jammu and Kashmir, the totalnumber of cancer cases has had a phenomenal increase. Interestingly, the numberof male patients having cancer is more than females-as the Sher-i-kashmirInstitute of Medical Sciences (SKIMS) have registered at least 12,462 malecancer patients out of the total 22,520 patients in five years. SinceJanuary-2019, the Regional Cancer Center (RCC) SKIMS has registered 22,520cancer cases across 22 districts of the State among which 12,462 are males and9344 are males. Another reason for the increase could simply be that cancer isdiagnosed more often, but that is the first step in the fight against thedisease. Whether it affects a loved one, neighbor or acquaintance, cancer is soprevalent that everyone reading this likely knows someone who's been diagnosed.The thing is what went wrong in Kashmir? Did we alter our eating patterns?Given that the pollution in Kashmir is comparatively low as compared to outsidestates and the fact the quality we drink is also better as compared to manystates. The fact that Kashmir valley is one of the highest consumers of tobaccoproducts in the country is one of the main reasons why the number of cases oflung cancer is high from the state of Jammu and Kashmir UT. Some observers havealso raised concerns about the quality of cancer treatment available in thevalley. There is a need felt in social circles about a separate cancer hospitalin Kashmir given the increase in the number of cases. The government needs tocreate more awareness in people about the disease which is often referred to asthe “Mother of all diseases”. Besides, just to prevent the cases of cancer dueto passive smoking the authorities must implement a strict ban on smoking inpublic places.