NGO Accountability

NGO Accountability


The issue of the accountability on nongovernmental organizations(NGOs) in global governance has received increased attention in recent years.Non-governmental organizations(NGO) play a vital role in democracy. Our UT alsohas a galaxy of NGOs-both registered and unregistered. A good majority of theseNGOs are owned by proxies-the actual owners reap the benefit of funding. Invarious newspaper industries it has been proven time and again how NGOs arebecoming an industry for changing black money into white money.

A lotof NGOs are owned by top notch businessmen, advocates and journalists.Practically speaking, about 60 percent of the NGOs are in one way orother way owned by people who are associated with  executive andjudiciary in one way or the other. There is another nexus between CorporateSocial Responsibility(CSR) of various corporate companies and NGOs.

Having said that, we do not want to take the credit away fromthe NGOs who are genuinely trying their level best to help the marginalsections of the society. However, at the same time the NGOs trying to makemoney out of the funds which philanthropists donate to them need to be broughtto book. The money which NGOs are using for their own benefit is actuallypeople's money and should be seen as such. The government needs to strictlymonitor the NGOs who despite getting a great deal of funds are not doinganything for the betterment of society. 

Thus the basic purpose of having NGOs gets violated which was tohelp people get the benefit of governance to who the straitjacketed route ofgovernance does not reach. NGOs meant to improve the conditions of poor and thedowntrodden are being used for show off, publicity and money laundering.